Random Tips on Surviving AP Chemistry and AP World History

[excerpted from an e-mail that I sent a number of rising sophomores...]

Attachments: AP_World_History_Info_word_files.zip, handystuff.php

This email is compiled CORRECTLY.

These are the usual problems you do in a chapter of chem give or take a few.
Do them for chapters 1-20 EXCEPT "Materials of Technology". Then do them for the 2nd to last chapter (organic chem). DO read ch21 (Nuclear chem) but don't do the problems.

Also, AP Worlders: read and add notes to the outlines for all chapters except for #1 in <http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072424354/student_view0/>
The notes don't have to be detailed at all, maybe 3-4 per page. Also, 


Oops, here are the problem numbers32,34,36,38,40,44,46,48,50,94,96,58,60,63,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78,80,98,100,102

Btw, email this to all freshmen taking AP chem next year.

Also, for chem MEMORIZE POLYATOMIC IONS and common ions of metals.
You need to memorize all the polyatomics on this list (not just in the book)

Also, you should know all the other facts on the above link and on: <http://chemmybear.com/stuff2.pdf> by the end of the year

In general <http://chemmybear.com/> is a useful web site.

Good luck!

Also, know all the naming stuff (like naming acids)

You should be able to tell me (from memory) what is Zinc Phosphate (answer is in white, highlight to see Zn3(PO4)2 )

Also, memorize the Solubility Rules (in chapter 4). They aren't very clear in the book, look at the 1st chemmybear link or <http://www.shs.nebo.edu/Faculty/Haderlie/apchem/SolubilityRules.pdf>

You should know how to apply them.

Also, you need to know all your units (Ch 1) and be VERY good at dimensional analysis (unit conversions)

Constants (you'll need more, ~ mean about equal to)
Avogadro's number (# of things in a mole): ~6.022 * 10^23 items/mole

Gas constant R ~ 8.31 J/(mol · K)    --- THIS IS THE STANDARD GAS CONSTANT USED IN MOST EQUATIONS. HOWEVER, in the form of the ideal gas law that uses atm, it is .082

Molar volume of an ideal gas at STP (related to R): ~22.4 liters

STP = 273.15 K (0 C) and 1 atm

Faraday's Constant (amt charge on 1 mol of e- (electrons)): 9.65 * 10^4 coulomb/mole

Also, attached are 2 lists (incomplete) I made that have useful stuff to know  for AP classes, chem especially. When forwarding this email, BE SURE TO CHECK THAT THE ATTACHMENTS WERE FORWARDED.

Also, Ms. Newman says to get ahead on your final research projects (due in Mar?)

This can be anything chem related basically, and you may want to enter it into the greater San Diego Science fair (100 pts extra credit :) )

I recommend reading ScienceDaily headlines every day for inspiration if you don't know what you want to do <http://www.sciencedaily.com/>
Also try <http://www.livescience.com/> and <http://www.howstuffworks.com/>

Run the idea by an AP chem graduate before starting

Keep a logbook (handwritten composition book NOT spiral bound. Something where you can't easily rip out pages) of EVERYTHING you do and the date and time for the project

Also, you should be very familiar with balancing by Oxidation states and half reactions (read both Ch4 AND the 1st section of Ch20 to understand. This will make your life WAAAAAAAAAY easier. Do the bookwork problems for them)

Also, at least this year, Ms. Newman added 100 pts to everybody's grade at the end of the 1st semester (1st sem counts as 2 sem of regular chem, 2nd sem counts as 2 sem of AP chem. Your quarter grades don't matter, but semester grades count double. The final ends up

Now, if somebody could compile all this stuff (attachments too) into a nice email, it would be great

If you don't have access to adobe reader, google the URL and click View as HTML on the pdf

Also, just for your information, the chem textbook is:

General Chemistry 8th Edition by Ebbing and Gammon <http://www.amazon.com/General-Chemistry-Media-Enhanced-8th/dp/0618738797>. Find it used and/or softcover, it's WAY cheaper.

And the ap world hist textbook is <http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072424354/>. I think this is it on Amazon <http://www.amazon.com/Traditions-Encounters-PowerWeb-Jerry-Bentley/dp/0072510269/>. I'm not sure what PowerWeb is, but if you can find an edition without it, I think it will be fine.

I think you can find both of these far cheaper (especially used)